My 2019 Thematic Music Months

I have been trying to listen to at least two different songs every day since the beginning of 2017. I’ve been largely successful, with less than a handful of slip-ups.

For 2019, starting in February, I decided to go with monthly themes, meaning one of my songs each day had to fit the theme of the month. In addition, the song can’t already have appeared on the list going back to 1/1/17.

February — Covers and Originals – Either covers of songs that I already had on my list during 2017-2018 or original versions of previously-noted songs.

March — Religion – Songs with “God,” “Jesus,” or other words/phrases related to (mainly) Christianity in the title.

April — Numbers – Songs with numbers in the title.

May — Very Long Band Names – Artists names that are at least four words and seven syllables, excluding any leading “The”. In addition, no artist names with the pattern ” and .”

June — Chemistry — Songs with chemical terms in the titles.

July — Chicago – Songs with Chicago-related words/phrases in the titles. Every other day must include “Chicago.”

August — Literature – Songs with works of literature in the title and, just to complicate matters, I have to have read all of the literary works.

September — Flora and Fauna – Songs with plants or animals in the title.

October — XTC Might Be Devo in Corduroy – Each day, a song by They Might Be Giants, Devo, XTC, and Corduroy.

November — Album sides of albums I own on vinyl.

December — Full albums that are considered (on various lists I found) to be among the greatest albums of all time.